A magical comeback story about Leo Andelin, who in 1963 developed the most famous food of Finland – Lapin Kulta beer.
The story of a Baltic German refugee who became the father of light to Lapland.
A story about a boy who wanted to be a monster and about the heavy metal band Lordi.
A living portrait of Elli Närhi, whose life changed dramatically with dystonia in 2004.
Kemijärvi Pulp Mill has been decided to close down, but locals from adults to children rise up in rebellion against an overpowering enemy. (in Finnish)
Coming-of-age story of 12-year-old Juha Alatalo trying to live up to his recently deceased father’s role as a reindeerman in a small village in Lapland. (in Finnish)
Valerie Napaljarri Martin’s journey to the Samiland from the Central Australian desert to test whether she can become a reindeer woman.
Australian doctor Peter Spitzer, alias Dr Fruitloop’s troubled journey to dispense the medicine of laughter to traumatised children in East Timor.
A historical documentary film based on the life and art of a unique visual poet – a man obsessed with photographing clouds.